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    A blog about radon


July 15, 2021

Real Estate Radon Assessment

Real Estate Radon Testing

If you are buying a home, you should try to learn as much as possible about the home before you buy it. Performance Radon Inc. offers real estate radon assessments that will provide information about the radon levels in your new home.

Learning the radon potential for a home is very useful during the real estate transaction and it can help you make an informed decision about the home and any potential hazards or costs you might incur  for radon mitigation.

Real Estate Radon Assessment
$ 299
  • Real Estate Radon Assessment
  • Easy to understand report
  • Report received 6 days after test begins
  • Tamper resistant devices
  • C-NRPP Certified

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May 7, 2021

Radon Mitigation

Radon Mitigation System Regina

Radon Mitigation

Radon mitigation systems are installed into homes to reduce radon levels. The most common type of radon mitigation system is called  ‘Active Soil depressurization'(ASD) system. An ASD system includes a fan that will create a vacuum under a basement floor and send the radon outside before it can enter your home.

It can be scary if after a long term radon test you find out that your home has a high level of radon. Rest assured, knowing that the radon level in any home can be lowed below the Health Canada guidelines of 200 Bq/m3. In fact we guarantee that our systems will be under 100 Bq/m3.  You will feel safe in your home again, with a properly designed and installed Radon Mitigation System.

The radon mitigation professionals at Performance Radon Inc are also certified by C-NRPP for radon measurement (testing).  Our radon specialists can help you feel safe in your home knowing that the radon levels are reduced. Your radon mitigation system will be unobtrusive, quiet and efficient. Get a radon mitigation system  that is fully tested and verified to ensure it  is performing as designed and reducing the radon levels in your home.

About Radon Mitigation Systems

Regina homes have high radon levels because of the elements within our soils, combined with a long and cold winter. During the winter the warm air rises and causes your home to pull in the radon from under the basement floor. The colder the outdoor temperature, the more likely your home will pull in radon. By installing a radon mitigation system, a fan will draw the radon from under your basement floor and send it outside before it can make it into your home.

If your radon levels are between 200 Bq/m3 and 600 Bq/m3 then Health Canada recommends that you take action within 2 years. If your levels are above 600 Bq/m3 then you should take action within one year. You can choose to take action as soon as you want, at any radon level you want. These are only recommendations set by Health Canada. Radon, in any amount, is not safe. The best environment for human and animal health is always to have the lowest radon level possible.

A typical radon mitigation system is called an ‘Active Sub-slab Depressurization'(ASD) System. This involves using a radon mitigation fan to create a vacuum under the lowest level. Drawing the air from the lowest level will remove the radon and safely send it outside where it is diluted, before it can enter your home.

Typically it can cost between $50 to $100 per year to run a radon fan continuously .

Every house and situation is different and so each radon mitigation system is different. Every home or business has a unique radon mitigation system that is designed especially for your home. During the mitigation process it is critical to seal up the lowest floor to ensure the system is working at optimal efficiency, saving you money and lowering noise.

April 7, 2021

Radon Testing

Radon Testing is a crucial step that every home owner should perform every 2 years. Health Canada recommends that a long term test is used to determine a radon average for your home or business. Long Term tests are small chambers that are placed in the lowest lived in place in your home. After a minimum of 91 day the test is returned and analyzed by our lab.

The professionals at Performance Radon Inc. at certified by C-NRPP for radon measurement in homes and commercial buildings. We can also offer radon testing during a real estate transaction.

What is radon?   Radon is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. Radon occurs naturally in tiny quantities when elements in the soil, such uranium, slowly decay and change into radon. Radon itself is the immediate decay product of radium. It natural orc curing process.

Is Radon gas dangerous?   Yes, radon gas can be dangerous. According to International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) if a person is exposed to Radon gas it increases their chance of developing lung cancer. The risk depends oon the amount of time of exposure to Radon gas. Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers, which kills more than 3,300 Canadians each year.

How do I test for radon gas?   Testing for radon gas is a very simple and straightforward process. The best way to test is a called a long term radon test. You place a tiny canister in the lowest lived in level of your home. You keep this canister in your home for 91 days. After the 91 days is complete you let us know and we will arrange for a pickup of the testing device then we mail it back to the lab for analysis. After the lab analysis is complete we will contact you and discuss the results. Performance Radon Inc. offers Free Radon Tests for Regina Home Owners. Click Here for your test.

What is the safe limit for radon gas in my home?   The government of Canada says that the action limit for radon gas in any home is 200 becquerels/m3. However, there is no safe limit of radon gas as even small amount can affect one’s health

What happens if my house has radon gas in it?   Almost every home will have some level of radon in it. If your house has a high level of radon gas it can be reduced with the installation of a Radon Mitigation System by the qualified professionals at Performance Radon Inc.

Each radon mitigation system is unique and designed for each building. These systems will safely and easily remove the radon from your house before it enters you living  space. Radon mitigation systems need to be designed and installed by a certified radon remediation specialist to ensure the systems are operating correctly and reducing the radon in your home while improving the air quality.